We sincerely appreciate your decision to shop with us! Our topmost priority is to ensure that you receive your order promptly and efficiently. Kindly spare a moment to review our shipping policy.

All orders will undergo immediate processing and scrutiny by our security team. As we recognise the significance of getting your items expeditiously, each order will be shipped express. Nevertheless, please bear in mind that shipping times are merely estimates and not guaranteed.

For orders shipped within Canada, the delivery window is estimated to be between 1-3 days. For orders shipped internationally, the delivery window is estimated to be between 3-5 days. Please keep in mind that shipping times may vary depending on the availability of the product.

If your order does not arrive within 10 days, we would be delighted to send you a complimentary item alongside your original purchase. Do note that this offer does not apply to new releases and major holidays.

As soon as your order is dispatched, you will receive an email with a tracking number. However, please note that once proof of the tracking number is delivered to you, it becomes the responsibility of the courier and not us.

We are grateful for your patronage and will make every effort to ensure that you receive your items promptly and efficiently. If you have any queries or concerns regarding our shipping policy, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for choosing us as your shopping destination, and we eagerly look forward to serving you!